This is the sketchblog of a Dog Lord. Here will be posted current works-in-progress, sketches, doodles, and general drawings as I practice becoming a better artist. You're more than welcome to post constructive criticism, feedback, etc., and all comments are greatly appreciated!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Wow, no stupid darkening? AMAZING.
Bob River's "The Twelve Pains of Christmas" illustrated. This is pain number one, finding a Christmas tree.
I was going to do an illustration for every pain, counting down until Christmas Day, but in true J'avo form, I got burnt out from doing just the second picture and so this is the only picture that is actually completed. Well, maybe I'll do a pain every year and have this finished by the time I'm 37 or some shit.
Monday, December 1, 2014
I used to design and create my own original characters extensively when I
was younger, but as I got older I found it hard to the point that I
didn't do it anymore (or used "bases"). So this was an exercise of going
back to my roots: no references, just drawing and designing something
purely out of my mind's eye.
So meet Kojiro! Kojiro is a young upstart at the police station where he works. Having recently received his badge, he trains with a senior officer on patrol duty.
He's between 18 and 21 years of age (haven't decided
Kojiro is energetic and curious, with a strong sense of duty. He has a fondness for sweets, particularly doughnuts slathered with both frosting and sprinkles. Hey, I'm not being stereotypical at all!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
An art-a-day challenge that I'm taking that will hopefully be finished in time for the 12 days before Christmas.
I'm doing them all early so I will have no excuse for not posting them.
I just finished day one,'s a WIP I took before I colored it n shit
also i don't know what's with blogspot and this darkening shit... i think it played too much corpse party
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Hallo--Oh.
I don't think I'm going to finish it. At first I blamed it on work (which was a problem), but then even on my free days off, I wouldn't work on it. I just lost interest on it halfway through Zelda.
Oh well! A bust! I try to make myself care but I really can't. If I ever do finish it, it'll be in January or some stupid shit.
Also, there goes Blogspot with that darkening shit. WTF?
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Stop It, Blogspot!
I remember a couple of years ago when I used to put progress shots/WIPs on my blog. I'm going to try and go back to doing that.
Uh, this is the beginning of my Halloween 2014 picture. After much debating I finally went with Ocarina of Time to be the theme (the other contender was Majora's Mask :3). This is from last night when I was falling asleep, so I still have to fix Ganondorf up before moving on to the next bloke (like dem feet, neck, chest, ARMS, etc.). ONE DOWN, FOUR TO GO. The other four should be much easier! An unholy amount of time was taken to trying to get Ganondorf's damn face and hair to look right. Anime-style noses are just so hard to draw on him because...he has this huge honker that you can land a 747 on, and anime noses are always these super simple little lines or dots. So it was hard trying to get him to look like Ganondorf without the huge nose. I TRIED, OK.
Also, I don't get what is with Blogspot and changing the colors of my pictures? Like, the background is white, and the colors aren't that dark. WTF? Same with the Captain Falcon picture: it just does whatever it wants!
I got a job so I hope it doesn't take out too much of my time with regards to getting things done. Yay....
Friday, September 19, 2014
ファルコン☆パーン Process
The "last" step with the white background is just what the finished product looks like without the background. I didn't have a save in between getting the final coloring and post-processing (filters, color fixes, background textures), so...the white background can be an example of how the color by itself turned out. \(o_O)/ I DUNNO
My artwork I feel is very hit or miss (more often than not, miss :P). I have about 100 deviations on my DA account, but only about 10 of them I like enough to "feature" them as something that I'm "proud" of. This is one of those pictures that just came out perfectly from conception to final product, and I had so much fun drawing it and trying a WHOLE BUNCHA brand new stuff.
Dude on the Projects Forum was having a Super Smash Bros. DRAWL (lol) art jam. I picked to draw Captain Falcon. I LOVE Captain Falcon's brash-ass, sometimes gaudy, but totally bad-ass character. I knew from the moment I saw CF as needing someone to draw him that I wanted to do a kind of "super Japanese"-looking kawaii pastel cool girl-looking picture with tons of textures and just photobooth-esque elements. And I knew I wanted to try my hand at foreshortening (which I NEVER do because me and perspective are like battered spouses).
So. Things new that I tried with this picture:
- High angle perspective
- Foreshortening
- Coloring techniques
- Super kawaii texture barf everywhere
- Trying out Adobe CS2 for the first time (prior to this, all pictures were post-processed in 7.0, lol)
I'm not usually very good at coloring, but I think it came out okay here. It took a lot of post-processing to get the colors to stop being muddy, but I think it worked out here. I think linearting and post-processing are becoming my favorite steps in drawing. I mean, I used to HATE linearting and found it to be SO tedious, but clearly this part is where I have the most fun, because it's the only part that's really drawing for me (sketching I tend to get caught up on minor details like OCD, and coloring, well, I suck at it). And I always have just loved post-processing, playing with colors, gradient maps, textures, filters, and whatnot. You know, I think if I could have a job, it would be linearting and post-processing. O_O I could see myself being like, an inker or something.
Uh, anyway, CAPTAIN FALCON! :D I'll upload a step-by-step process thing here later for my friend, but you're welcome to see it as well. I hope it's acceptable for Drawl!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
I literally haven't drawn anything in bloody ages.
And it shows.
Also, WTF? Why is the default justification on these entries always center?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Stuff I started over the past year and never finished because I am a boob. Including random sketch warmup/practice drawings; fanfart, including challenges and comics I never finished :( ; a portrait of Silvvy that I drew when I was feeling said; and character concept sketches (also for comics/stories that never got beyond the concept art stage; go figure).
Every summer I get inspired to do a summer picture, but I never finish it. This was from last year; it was going to be the seven sages from Ocarina of Time at the beach. Of course, the picture died at Zelda.
Danny St. John, my main man! Man, I so was going places with this picture, but I couldn't figure out how to get good shading, so I was like, fuck this, and never finished. Story of my life right there. Also, he's eating Lee. It was going to be Clementine, but I think he liked her too much, if you know how our little favorite cannibal pedophile means. ;) ;)
Baby Tyrannosaurus rex character for a comic I was thinking about involving dinosaurs going to dinosaur school. This was basically going to be Kevin Goes to Business School with dinosaurs so I was like, fuck it, and it never really went beyond that.
Unfinished Pokeshaming. Again, couldn't color the way I wanted to, so I gave up. I do like how the eyes came out, though. :P
Saturday, July 12, 2014
In the Thrall of the Gerudo Summer
FUCK YOU MANGA STUDIO. It was a hard-ass battle, but you didn't get the best of me!
Concept art for a "The Legend of Zelda" doujinshi I hope to make some time before I die. It's going to be kind of a harem comedy in an alternate Ocarina of Time universe.
If it gets a bit of a readership, I might attempt to set up some kind of donation drive with incentives, maybe on Patreon or some other platform. The manga will of course be free-to-read (because I'm doing it because I WANT to write it and feel like I have a story to tell), but if anything could help relieve the costs of making it, I'd take it. I would release concept art, wallpapers, and drawings; maybe mail you something; or even let you direct some of the story. I don't know; some kind of bonus. But my art and writing is kind of fug, so I don't know. It probably won't be popular or worth setting up anything for it.
But I still want to make it! :D Link's concept art will probably be next.
Concept art for a "The Legend of Zelda" doujinshi I hope to make some time before I die. It's going to be kind of a harem comedy in an alternate Ocarina of Time universe.
If it gets a bit of a readership, I might attempt to set up some kind of donation drive with incentives, maybe on Patreon or some other platform. The manga will of course be free-to-read (because I'm doing it because I WANT to write it and feel like I have a story to tell), but if anything could help relieve the costs of making it, I'd take it. I would release concept art, wallpapers, and drawings; maybe mail you something; or even let you direct some of the story. I don't know; some kind of bonus. But my art and writing is kind of fug, so I don't know. It probably won't be popular or worth setting up anything for it.
But I still want to make it! :D Link's concept art will probably be next.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
"Speed"paint-a-Day: #1 (Terrence)
I'm tired of always bitching and moaning about how I can't digitally paint, so I've decided that I'm going to try and do a speedpaint every day to learn how to get with it. I'm hoping to get faster the more I do (hopefully someday going down to 30 minute speedpaints). I'm not going to upload every speedpaint to my DA; only the ones I feel particularly proud of, and the first and last ones.
Day one is Terrence because I *REALLY* didn't know what the fuck to draw. Not going with this again because I spent too long redoing his beak over and over again. Dx That's the thing that makes me draw REAAAAAAAAAALLY slowly: I start obsessing over minor details. There is no freakin' reason why a simple headshot sketch underawing should've taken 40, 45 minutes. I'm hoping by that timing myself, and pushing myself to do more and learning how to skim edges to become more efficient, I can start drawing a LOT faster!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Vanessa [Carlton]
blah blah art trade blah blah blah deviantart
also, wtf?! i have no idea why blogspot saturated the shit out of this picture. it doesn't look like that in real life or on DA at all.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Link (He Come to Town)
I wonder how many times I can draw Link without getting tired. Alright. Here we go. One..
(I have a love hate relationship with this picture. I liked it when I was drawing it, but DAT FIVEHEAD OH GOD)
Friday, May 2, 2014
BMWP/LGM Concept Art #1: Princess Zelda
Concept art for a doujinshi maybe. Princess Zelda!
(Let's see if this doujinshi ever occurs. Every time I start concept art of something, the comic NEVER begins. EVER. Let's see if I can do concept art and then get a first page down!)
Friday, April 18, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
Oh God this is another one of those drawings I had WAY TOO MUCH FREAKING FUN WITH. This is for the challenge, day 12, which is "a monster (evil)". I knew immediately I wanted to do a propaganda poster. I was originally going to do it with Bowser, but that's been done so many times, so I decided to do it with Kamek. I don't think Kamek is evil, per say, but I guess from the point of view from people of the Mushroom Kingdom, that would be so. I tried to parody the old Russian/Chinese communist posters, picking four colors as a pallet (blue, yellow, white, and red), and then of course, have the stereotypical Cyrillic font. xD
I have a feeling this is going to get redistributed all over the damn place, but then again, I don't have much stock in my art and would be surprised if someone actually did so. xD I can say that I am proud of this, though. ^_^
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